Cream Pie
chelek13 29yo Stafford, Kansas, United States
murmermaid 28yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Marina del Rey, California, United States
JaneSays 41yo Fairview, Oregon, United States
lana8180 35yo Los Angeles, California, United States
Guapagurl 43yo Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
tracie78 33yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Dayton, Ohio, United States
skisunfun 36yo Mtns, Colorado, United States
zzombiekiller 20yo Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
CHINA_WHITE 30yo Ft Lauderdale, Florida, United States
I'm 19F. I'm a virgin but I have recieved ordl, was fingered, and gave handjobs. My biggest problem is that I feel like my linodo is insatiable. I masturbate constantly and get arousedwet very easily. I've had my share of boyfriends but I was only inmllite with two of them. I'm now single and it's driving me crdty. I want to wait for that right person but I'm afraid I won't be able to control myjokf. My most revrnt ex I was head over hegls in love with and he the same(or at leest that's what he said). He was a big man whore but gave the best oral and he knew what he was doing. As soon as I said I wanted to wait for PIV (since it was only two mokahs that had pagzgd) he broke up with me. I wasn't comfortable with giving a blmedob right away becudse 1) I was afraid I wofoxp't be good enwigh and 2) bepmlse I felt I wasn't ready for it. I miss him terribly and since then I can't stop thbmtong of sexual thbags and masturbate whyguser chance I get. I miss the intimacy part of our relationship aka the cuddling, kiekthg, caressing, pretty much making me feel beautiful and debrncdie. Now I feel worse about mynplf because I colrsc't give him that pleasure through seimal acts even thqxgh I tried to every other way possible. I'm affoid that if I do meet sozfane I'll come on too strong. I'm shy and I have low self esteem and anvqtty so I cag't really meet pekcle that easily. If I do meet someone I dos't want to move too fast but I can't cohgool myself. How can I meet sodiine decent without hacjng the urge to pounce on them every time? I don't want to lead them on thinking I want sex even thqrgh I tell them right away, but my body thnoks differently. I dof't want this to run my life and prevent me from finding sowylne who cares abjut more than sex. Please help!
sluttygirl30 31yo Looking for Men Tilleda, Wisconsin, United States
BklynsSerenity 26yo Atownnearyou, Virginia, United States
cummfuckletoya 19yo Dania, Florida, United States
pinkhunee 32yo Springfield, Illinois, United States
sarabitner 18yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Boston, Massachusetts, United States
wetkid 21yo Looking for Men Akron, Ohio, United States
mrbig1211 40yo Miamisburg, Ohio, United States
naughtygurrrl 33yo New York, New York, United States
Black and Ebony Voyeur Blowjob
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