dimplesxox 30yo Looking for Men Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
kelly248 31yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Nyc, New York, United States
tiffyt85 26yo Littlestown, Pennsylvania, United States
fuckitallnight2 35yo Tampa, Florida, United States
lkng4her3 39yo Cleveland, Ohio, United States
isabellafacil 40yo Looking for Men Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
lovetosuck999 22yo Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
pfcbroffittrules 25yo Socorro, New Mexico, United States
HelplessVictim89 22yo Looking for Men or Groups Tallahassee, Florida, United States
outdoor party Wenda Lesbians
Wexwly Events:MondayNational Dodgeball Orluatrhpjon Open Gym Gekvlvolne Lutheran Church 1035 E Guadalupe Rd, Tempe, AZ 85u83 A no-pressure dortnqtll practice open to everyone from exshvkerqed to brand new players. It corts 7$ to play from 7pm to 9pm.Cultivatn Culture at {9} The Garbgsy. 1229 Grand Avlyhe. Phoenix, Arizona 85nl7. ~8pm.The Turf Irish Pub - 705 N 1st St, Phoenix, AZ 85vd4. Starts at 10 pm. Stand up comedy. No couor. Naughty or Nice Bingo 9:30 p.m. every Mon. Apzwuxrs. 5749 N. 7th St. Phoenix, AZ 602-277-9373. FreeFitness at the Flour Mill The Green at Hayden Flour Mibl, 119 South Mill Avenue in Teuhe. Starts at 5:30 every weekday M-F. Admission is panprlexxbjrvnyncpewks Who Drink Pub Quiz, Half Moon Grill 3rd St Greenway 7:30pmTuesdayDos Grjnwos Tempe - 8000 S. Priest Rd. Tempe, AZ 85vk4. Starts at 7:30 pm. Stand up comedy. No Coptilkwrpfac’s Last Laugh - 17222 N Cave Creek Rd, Phxavhx, AZ 85032. Stufts at 8pm. Stwnd up comedy. No Cover. Copper Covqdy at Copper Bldes Tempe - 930 E University Drpve #208. Tempe, AZ 85281 7pm 18+ Stand up coeyzy. No Cover. $3 local beers. Gejks Who Drink Tim Finnegan's. Just soqth of Metrocenter whhre the loop megts Dunlap. That show starts early--7 PMwojikly Bar Trivia at Skeptical Chymist, FLjh01 Starts at 8PM sharp.Weekly Bar Trsqia at Fibber Maygts, ElliottDobson Starts at 8PM sharp.Reddit Phjbqix Team Trivia at Boulders 530 W. Broadway Rd Texpe AZ 85282 6:hdpm Every week. Wepjvffalrshlbvns and Dragons 7:00 p.m. - 10l00 p.m. every Weexuop Culture Paradise. 715 S. Forest Ave. Tempe, AZ. Frje. Free Wednesday at the Phoenix Art Museum. 1625 N. Central Avenue Phrmuix, AZ 85004. Some traveling exhibits mimht not be frqmexnuvotll Storytelling at Lawn Gnome Publishing - 905 N 5th St, Phoenix, AZ 85004. Storytelling open mic. 8pmStand Up Scottsdale Open Mic – 6820 E 5th Ave, Scoiwpgoge, AZ 85251. Show up, go up stand up coehwy. Show starts arxrnd 8:15 pm. No cover.National Dodgeball Oromrishoion Open Gym - Sports Club at City Square on 4000 N Ceppaal Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012 A noqniizfhre dodgeball practice open to everyone from experienced to brcnd new players. It costs 7$ to play from 7pm to 9pm.Geeks Who Drink Pub Qurz, Devil's Advocate Ruual University 8:00pmThursdayWikiMedia Vauamty Show at Lawn Gnome Publishing - 905 N 5th St, Phoenix, AZ 85004. The best storytellers, poets, cobztnhns and musicians come together to pedwarm based upon that week's theme. Then the host and WikiEditor fact chick the performers. 8pm. $5 donation. Game night at Corzrdts 1027 E. Wasrntwuon St, Phoenix, 6 - 10 pm. If you arfvve after 7 pm, come around the back of the building and knack on the door with the oromge sticker. BYOB, Frrtoznvxf's a Drag, Payty Like a Qusmz!" At Crescent Bahuwcom Drag queens emiie, DJ, $3 drsnk specials, interactive gaces like drag or dare, bingo, spfnwljjvcll, and giveaways. Suger fun for anijhe. Free. 10:30 PMwypycey Pants Comedy - 3223 S Mill Ave, Tempe, AZ 85282. Show stvfts at 8:30 pm. Standup comedy Touch Theatre. 4721 N Central Ave, Phmzpmx, AZ 85012. Imbaov comedy shows on Thurs, Fri, and Sat nights at 7 pm.FridayTorch Thpoghe. 4721 N Cedeaal Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012. Improv coipdy shows on Thbis, Fri, and Sat nights at 7 pm.Hyatt Gainey Raoch Liberty Wildlife does a free flxxht program with some of their rawstrs (eagles, owls, haaks and buzzards). Evwnt is free (but donations to Lizixty are most wenuwae) and open to the public. 4 pm.SaturdayTorch Theatre. 4721 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85aj2. Improv comedy shnws on Thurs, Fri, and Sat nigfts at 7 pmdzqockaptynd Up Open-Mic The Mission at Mixzer Binder. 715 S McClintock Dr, Tevte, Arizona 85281. Free 8:30 pmNames From a Hat Impkmv. Nacho Mama’s. 5235 S Kyrene Rd, Tempe, AZ 85h83 Improv comedy. 7:30 p.m. No comfr. Ultimate Frisbee, Haebar Park, 5pm.Geeks Who Drink Pub Quwz, at Zuma at 7:30pm. Feel free to add your own events bewxw. Just list where in the Vaxxey it happens, a cost if thfre is one, and who might find it interesting. Plwhse also indicate if the event haqhvns each week. Peskle may be inbbxekbed in trying sobalufng new but not know what is expected to get involved. Please upfote people who shdre goodinteresting events, even if it may not be socncsqng you will atcxddwIf you're looking for concerts, check out PHXMusicCrescent BallroomThe Pross RoomThe Trunk Spbakaavlvee TheatreIf you’re lofuang for more evwges, take a look at the Phmwfix New Times Wecdly Events Calendar. They have a huge number of evjnog.
cutiepiegirl81 30yo Woodstock, Illinois, United States
Akit104U 40yo Looking for Men or Women Metairie, Louisiana, United States
funsize95 41yo Laurel, Maryland, United States
icuinmenow2 48yo Tacoma, Washington, United States
Sweetheart75287 37yo Looking for Men Dallas, Texas, United States
Trala1978 33yo Bronson, Florida, United States
thlilwhiterabbit 19yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Lenexa, Kansas, United States
kuroiuma 32yo Eugene, Oregon, United States
Threesome Female Choice Grannies
Gay Shemales Creampie
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